
Showing posts from March, 2018

I too have a dream .... about a value based human society (fictional)

I spoke to the corporate lawyer, about the recent events. It was about time to wrap up the issue, it has taken way too long to close what was a no case to begin with. He agreed , that it is true that it took this long but will  most likely be closed this week. Some of the social talk we had over the phone, made me think. How human mind works and how we make relationships in the oddest of situations. Most of the humans believe in the value system which suits their agenda. So in fact there is already a value based society, that exists. But then, what is that I am dreaming about? I am dreaming about a value system, where who is FIRST......the automatic reflex response in your brain function and thinking. How do we follow our value system but what do we teach our children? Being HUMAN FIRST Having a DUTY / purpose FIRST Living with loyalty for TRIBE /community /organization/family FIRST It is all about SELF/ me FIRST The total truth is important in medical practice to get to...


Smile is an action, an emotion and an energy Smile has a potential to change the relationships close and far ... Smiling is the simplest thing to do while we are alive, yet we smile far less than we should be Someone said, 'be the reason for someone to smile today' A smile  on the lips,  the smile in the eyes sparkle Watch someone smile , there is a smile in the heart The emotion makes waves in the heart, reaches the happy mind A happy mind does an action in the world.... the impact is felt in the far off

Good times are bound to come (fictional)

Story No.1 GOOD TIMES ARE BOUND TO COME Is it a coincidence, or it is meant to be? When I needed the most...after a 24 hour busy call. She met me, outside of my practice. I thought she touched my life, though she thinks I did hers.... A well-educated, intelligent and a lovely lady immigrated to the US with her husband. They had a rare genetic problem. Both husband and wife shared the same problem which made their babies to be healthy at birth but at around one year of age developed breathing problems and they eventually died. She was tainted and ostracized by everyone around her. She was beyond miserable. At first we didn’t know what was wrong with them. She came to us with her second pregnancy and lost the child to the genetic disorder at around one year, just like the first one. But this baby suffered more than the first. The life, and thus the suffering, was prolonged with G tube. Rather than letting nature take its course. ...