I too have a dream .... about a value based human society (fictional)

I spoke to the corporate lawyer, about the recent events. It was about time to wrap up the issue, it has taken way too long to close what was a no case to begin with. He agreed , that it is true that it took this long but will  most likely be closed this week.

Some of the social talk we had over the phone, made me think. How human mind works and how we make relationships in the oddest of situations. Most of the humans believe in the value system which suits their agenda. So in fact there is already a value based society, that exists. But then, what is that I am dreaming about?

I am dreaming about a value system, where who is FIRST......the automatic reflex response in your brain function and thinking. How do we follow our value system but what do we teach our children?

Having a DUTY / purpose FIRST
Living with loyalty for TRIBE /community /organization/family FIRST
It is all about SELF/ me FIRST

The total truth is important in medical practice to get to the bottom of a problem and fix it in a best possible way. Any other way, only compromises the outcome, sometimes ending in a disaster.

The total truth in a lawyers world is not always relevant. They get to pick and choose from the whole truth and can skew the partial truth to which ever direction that suits their need. Success for them depends on how they pick and choose the facts. The goal is to win, no matter which side of the coin they stand.

The clarity as to what is the ultimate success in ones life depends on how we choose our FIRTS.
If the order stays as being human first, then the duty, then the group and then self. Though it appears that it feels harder to navigate life with this format. In the end this prevails with peace and contentment with NO regrets in life. I call that a life well lived successfully.

If one chooses to change the order, depends on who and when. And how often these values are moved around for an instant gratification supported by mind rationalization. The results will  proportionately gets costlier in a moral universe at the conscience level. We all are answerable to our own conscience. Cannot run away from it even if we try and fake it for a while. It always catches up with us. Conscience is the toughest police that has ever existed in Human history.

It is said that, when I dream it is just a dream. When many dream the same with me , then it becomes a reality..sr


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