Good times are bound to come (fictional)

Story No.1


Is it a coincidence, or it is meant to be?
When I needed the most...after a 24 hour busy call.

She met me, outside of my practice.
I thought she touched my life, though she thinks I did hers....

A well-educated, intelligent and a lovely lady immigrated to the US with her husband. They had a rare genetic problem. Both husband and wife shared the same problem which made their babies to be healthy at birth but at around one year of age developed breathing problems and they eventually died. She was tainted and ostracized by everyone around her. She was beyond miserable.

At first we didn’t know what was wrong with them. She came to us with her second pregnancy and lost the child to the genetic disorder at around one year, just like the first one. But this baby suffered more than the first. The life, and thus the suffering, was prolonged with G tube. Rather than letting nature take its course.

When we are in it, hope will not let one understand the futility of our efforts. Even when if it prolongs the suffering.

The Medical Group and the genetics department took it upon themselves to find out what was wrong with this couple and actually developed the genetic probe with the tissue from their second baby. 
With newer reproductive technologies, they found a way to develop healthy embryos in vitro and were able to implant the healthy ones without the disorder. With that treatment, eventually they were able to have two healthy boys.  This was truly inspirational for me that the organization would go out of the way to spend lots of resources to be able to provide this couple with two healthy children.
Unfortunate, they now have a different insurance. Thus, I cannot see these miracle babies grow. But I felt fortunate that the mother stopped me at the patients’ surgery lounge today to update me about her current life.

I turned to see who was calling me. She came close and I recognized her right away. She was very excited and spoke very fast, “Doctor, I cleared all my exams and licensing formalities and I am actually going to start work. I wanted you to know how much you helped me. I have told all my friends and family about your help.” She told me she was in the lounge waiting for a family member who is having surgery along with a whole lot of people. She came out walking fast calling my name.
It was interesting to me that she had gone through so much suffering during her treatment time and to lose two babies prior, but she forgot to mention about her healthy kids to me today. Until I asked her. Instead, she wanted me to know and be a part of her pride, self-respect, and dignity.  All of which were compromised in the past. It was part personal circumstances, part socio cultural, part not knowing the real reason for their problem, and she was getting blamed for it and the relationship situation.

Now that she has her two healthy  boys with her, she forgot all her suffering from the past and has learned to move on with her life.
But she remembered how I have encouraged her to pursue her education and career to get back her self-confidence, self-respect and dignity.
She seemed to be genuinely happy to see me and to share her achievements. The self-confidence radiating from her and with a twinkle in her beautiful eyes. I still remember the tear filled eyes in those days past.

For medical issues we tried to help her, but her social issues were beyond our scope. All I could do was to offer a shoulder to cry on. So she could feel that she can count on someone  who understood her pain and suffering.

One never knows the ripple effect of one’s kindness, however small the gesture of kindness may be.
The human relationship is beautiful, if we allow it to be genuine and authentic between two human beings. It is bound to be beautiful even with no name attached.

Such stories only reinforce the fact that hard times don’t last forever. Good times are bound to come, only if we put our effort to help ourselves.

It gives me hope when I see both sides, so as to confidently pass the encouragement forward for those in need.

With heartfelt happiness for her, I walked towards the doctors’ lounge, almost forgetting my exhaustion from my 24-hour hectic call.

Our mind can hold only one thought or emotion at a given time, I chose happiness over


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