Smile is an action, an emotion and an energy
Smile has a potential to change the relationships close and far ...
Smiling is the simplest thing to do while we are alive, yet we smile far less than we should be
Someone said, 'be the reason for someone to smile today'

A smile  on the lips,  the smile in the eyes sparkle
Watch someone smile , there is a smile in the heart
The emotion makes waves in the heart, reaches the happy mind
A happy mind does an action in the world.... the impact is felt in the far off


  1. A smile says so much and lightens the hearts of all who receive it as well as the one who gives it. This post made me smile. Thank you. xoA

  2. It's true. I saw a baby at the store a couple of weeks ago with a very stern face. I liked him and kept smiling at him until he finally cracked a smile back! Thank you for your post!


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