MAATAJI- A Mother to ALL

Condolences for the loss of a mother figure. I know her through my parents. My mother admired her for her ability to work through difficult times. And she shared her food with my father during his college days. She lived up to be 90 yrs old and left a legacy to mothers, a nurturing trait where ever the need be. Maataji, a mother to all.

Mother defined in all terms
Always positive no matter what the circumstances were
Admired everyone and everything in life
Teacher, who is tough, kind and at peace with situations
Adored by many, who are spread all over the world
Joined by the family she raised, she raised many
Intelligent to know how to prepare her children for a better future

MAATAJI, will be missed.
But her legacy will stay strong for generations to come.
The legacy to mothers, a nurturing trait.
May her soul rest in peace


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