Gems from the Turkish poet RUMI

Wisdom of RUMI

1.What is poison?
Anything which is more than our necessity is poison.
It may be Power, Wealth, Hunger, Ego, Greed, Laziness,conditional Love, Ambition, Hate or Anything.

2.What is fear?
Non-Acceptance of Uncertainty.
If we accept the Uncertainty, it becomes Adventure.

3. What is envy?
Non Acceptance of Good in Others.
If we Accept That Good, it becomes Inspiration.

4. What is anger?
Non Acceptance of Things which are beyond our control.
If we accept, it becomes Tolerance.

5. What is hatred?
Non-Acceptance of a Person as he/she is
If we accept a person unconditionally, it becomes Love.

presented as I have received it.....authentic source or not ...

The Truth of Wisdom in these words, made me share with you....
Unconditional LOVE is what gives peace in life...and thus in the


  1. I really appreciated these definitions. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. These definitions ring true! Beautifully stated. Thank you.


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