WHO deserves my LOYALTY and DEVOTION ?

Today I had a discussion with my grad school friends, regarding an international political situation .Which involves the justice system and celebrities. I felt like, that I had some clarity on the topic from my perspective and shared the following opinion with them. This is how it went...

'I believe that we had a similar discussion in the past, about the public figures and celebrities...'

We fail to make a clear distinction between ones performance as a celebrity and their personal values for life, as an individual. The quality of the person as a fellow Human being. Not how they look or how they talk , not just the similarities we are looking for , but as to know who they actually are at a human level.

For most of them, we do not know much of their real self. We only know what they project themselves as or what media shows them to be. So I do not show blind devotion to a person even if they are great at their job, no matter how rich, famous and powerful they are.  I might trust them with their job or work. Yes, we need to appreciate their talent, work and contribution with gratitude.
They deserve to be  trusted with loyalty limited to work, if and when they prove themselves with quality work .

Devotion is reserved for those you know their  personal values well enough to feel that they deserve your respect.

The FANDOM (duty as fans) blindly lift them to the ultimate heights, even if the celebrity didn't ask for it. Unless the person deserves such heights and can handle the peaks, they are bound to come down and fall flat on their faces and also a slap on our blind devotion. I feel that it is not fair to the celebrities either. 

But we will not learn from this, the show repeats in a different story, different scenario.
The relationship of sensational story and its  momentum is what we are addicted to these days.
For the show must go on and will go on with the celebrities and fans alike......sr


  1. So true. I hear others say they dislike a certain celebrity for their political beliefs. Maybe I don't like them either, but I still like their skills and get to experience the entertainment they provide. Thanks for providing this perspective.

  2. Yes, we usually only see the facade that's presented to us by the media or the individual. I try to look deeper and ask, "Is this the kind of person I would want for a friend?" Thanks for sharing this discussion, Sudha. xoA


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