Where do I stand on the line?

Lately, most of my ideas are inspired from the talk on social media. After all, I got hooked on to it too.
Not that I agree every thing that is said, but I get some meaningful facts for myself from them.
This particular topic was about 8 facts  Genuine and Fake people...

                 GENUINE PEOPLE                                                FAKE PEOPLE

1. They respect everyone                                      They only respect people with power
2. They don't try to make people like them           They try hard to make people like them
3. They are not attention seekers                           They are desperate for attention
4. They don't brag                                                  They show off all the time
5. They express their opinion openly                     They gossip a lot
6. They try their best to live up their promises      They make commitments easily, seldom keep them
7. They admire others and often praise them         They criticize others to feel and look better
8.They are kind and helpful most of the time        They are only nice when they have a hidden agenda

What is the quality of life ? It depends on which side, one places themselves on this line...

1. Life seems to be  good when one is fake and places themselves on the fake side of the line. That is surround with like minded people. Though you can  imagine it to be short lived, as things are changing from all directions and all the time. Constantly need to keep up with the rat race. This can continue for a finite time period until one gets exhausted.

2. Life is easy when one is genuine and is surrounded by the genuine people. Things are fairly stable. The journey is relatively easy and productive. Thus life is enjoyable. Challenge here is to find your kind. When the like mined are together, they makes deep rooted life long relationships.

3. Life is miserable when one is fake and places self among the genuine crowd. One can try and get what they want in the first place by faking, but it catches up with time. Bound to fail miserably in long run.

4. Life is difficult for a genuine person in a fake world. The values are different. One gets exhausted proving oneself again and again, because the agenda is not the same as what is said. It is not that they don't understand your value but they simply choose not to acknowledge your value. If you stick it out, some social reforms can be generated from here.

It becomes so very important to follow our hearts to fulfill our purpose in this world. It matters where you are born, whom you are born to, and whom you choose to associate with in your life and most importantly where on the line you choose to be on.....sr


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