Insecurity- one of many perspectives

Ms. Barnes, is a kind hearted lady. She is  one of the school chaperones who accompanied her son's school symphony to an out of state event.. It is a lot of responsibility to under take to take a large group of high school students to an out of state event. Very rewarding in the end but many good peoples effort and resources went into its success. I truly appreciated all of their work from the bottom of my heart .I certainly did my share in my own small way. It is heart warming to realize that, this experience would make a lasting memory to  all kids and adults alike. Ms. Barnes expressed and educated me on what all they had to do to make this event happen. And also some of the challenges as to raise money . The most striking one for her is that some cultures don't think beyond their own child. And she had to explain to them why it is important to raise more money so all the students could go to the event. If there is not enough money for all, then no one goes to the event.

I gave her the answer that to break any culturally ingrained behavior, it takes few generations that too only if they want to change. I realized that Ms. Barnes is a retired psychologist herself and trying to understand the behaviors.

I was thinking from the main stream perspective how they cannot comprehend the priorities of other people. But when I thought of the situation, I found many perspectives. Opposite is true for not sharing.

1.We do not know for certain, what their COMMITMENTS are and where else do they donate or share their resources. How they value this event vs other priorities or needs.

2.Family bringing up is an important factor I think. When one grows up in a surroundings where SHARING is a part of life, then that becomes a way of life to them as adults. It is not always possible that they share beyond their biological families.

3.When one grows up feeling not DEPRIVED , then also sharing is easy.

4.When one feels SECURE in a place and among the people where he/she lives. TRUST that he/she will be taken care of in any form of need, then, they are more likely to share.

5. For some security of their IDENTITY is in their money. That is a priority for them. so  sharing does not come natural to them.

6. For some, money brings VISIBILITY as minorities  through brands , life style and all that  takes away resources.

So many possibilities I thought, and decided that there are many more possibilities too. I am only limited from my knowledge, experience and awareness of others. sr.


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