The Universe in the depths of an Eye

When I look into the eyes of people, some stay with me.
leaving me in a state of wonder....
never quite get what is behind them.....
then I end up wondering , to wonder even more until I pen it....and pin it down...

                                                The Universe in the depths of an EYE

The eyes, that are a wonder to me 
The eyes, that intrigue me 
The eyes, that passed by me
The eyes, that touched my muse......

The eyes that speak the depth of an ocean
The shades of honey adds the emotion
The layers of depth, the purpose of creation
The sparkle in them, the soul's motion

The language of eyes, gives away more words than you think
The ocean depths and the mysteries hidden
The history, mystery and the majesty of the being
Alas, only if I could catch the glimpse for a bit longer.... sr


  1. Beautiful, Sudha. So many muses for the artist's eyes. <3

  2. I love the internal rhyme. This line struck me: "The history, mystery and the majesty of the being." Thank you! xoA


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