
Showing posts from May, 2018

MAATAJI- A Mother to ALL

Condolences for the loss of a mother figure. I know her through my parents. My mother admired her for her ability to work through difficult times. And she shared her food with my father during his college days. She lived up to be 90 yrs old and left a legacy to mothers, a nurturing trait where ever the need be. Maataji, a mother to all. M other defined in all terms Always positive no matter what the circumstances were Admired everyone and everything in life Teacher, who is tough, kind and at peace with situations Adored by many, who are spread all over the world Joined by the family she raised, she raised many Intelligent to know how to prepare her children for a better future MAATAJI, will be missed. But her legacy will stay strong for generations to come. The legacy to mothers, a nurturing trait. May her soul rest in peace


                   COACH C elebrates the success of her/his student O utstanding in his/her own competency A dmires others success and aspires that for his/her team C haracter tested and a constant source of inspiration H onor's his/her duty to the team's vision and mission Self-promotion is a by-product rather than the goal Dedicated to all the coaches across the


                    BULLY B ullies flourish in places, where deception is easy and have the loopholes to manipulate U nwinds for a little while after retirement and finds better victims. This time around, our children L onely within, cannot come to terms with the changed world. Supremacy moving towards equality L earns that his own children don't allow his bully tactics, volunteers to teach our children about citizenship Y earns to teach the world his reality, 'I am better than them and thus I deserve to be privileged.' A bully teaching citizenship to young kids only brings about more bullies. Not citizenship, civility or stewardship. We have a responsibility as whom we choose as our leaders who will mold our children. The imposters who project what they want to show the world. They are in reality people who have a hollow core of a compromised character. Which is filled with fragile ego and an ocean of insecurity. They will re...


       PROM P rim and proper R easoning challenged to stay away from harm to self and to others O ut and about to have fun. To celebrate the freedom with responsibility M ostly exploring and finding a place for themselves

Happy Mother's Day! 2018

A Mother is who, M otivates to achieve and to stay humble, persistent O ne of a kind, unique but not always perfect T eacher who is tough, kind and at peace H armonious in her duties and always positive E nriches life with lessons to be practical R eaches into the hearts with unconditional love promotion THANK YOU ALL MOTHERS Anyone who feels they have fallen short, it is because the resources were short. what is needed is empathy and compassion. Not to be too hard on self and or on our mothers. On this Mother's Day, let us learn to forgive each other. None of us are perfect and can only do our best. Happy Mother's Day! 2018


A wonderland, a great escape To float on the clouds feeling like a feather Dwell on to believe in  imaginative self Breathing calmly drifting into sleep D awns with a lullaby and ends with an alarm R ising snore reaches the high crescendo E ngine whistling like  a loud thunder A dds to the agony to those around R ested and rejuvenated, wakes up from the sleep S leep so precious and valuable to me ... sr 

Ideal Work Place

                                          Ideal Work Place Work is where we strive and push Work is where we create and achieve Work is where we meet and build Work is the platform where we react and push Work is where we sweat together with


                        Loneliness The physical wall that we raise with our Ego The aura that we make from jealousy The distance we create with competition The emptiness that broods in self-loath The wall, the aura, the distance and the emptiness No match for the determination to be a part of the universe Friendship blossoms where there is a kind wish An unconditional wish of well being to the other being They say, 'the only way to have a friend is to be one'. The friends around will add flavor to life My best friend none other than my own self In self-reflection, there is never a tinge of


                                               SIMPLICITY Simplicity is a form of beauty The beauty of the heart Heart filled with Love Love that radiates peace Peace to the core of the soul The soul that resides in all All experience the light The light that glows beyond physical Simplicity is the beauty, that radiates a light of peace and love through the physical body deep into the soul. sr