A natural Pill called The Park (fictional)
Human relations are interesting. To some extent you get what you can comprehend and make out of it. Everyday life brings many experiences, but some stick in the mind as a pleasant feeling. It brings a smile when you think about it. A doctor consulted with someone, who was very anxious about their second pregnancy. Their first child is a healthy 10 year old happy and an intelligent boy. After evaluation, the doctor said,' every thing looks good, nothing to worry and '.... the patient's husband stopped the doctor from completing his sentence ..and said, ' Sorry Doctor, we can't go to the park now, as per your advise the last time'. He turned to show his son and said, 'see this is the result of the natural pill called The Park'. He noticed the confusion on the doctor's face, and realized that he did not understand what he is referring to. Then he smiled and did some calculation on his fingers and said, ' we can't go to the park until ...